Brands we know and love make every moment, every interaction with the world, a stage to experience their brand story. If Thales, the father of Western philosophy, coined the phrase “Everything is Water”, then for these brands, “Everything is Media”.
The “Everything is Media” approach isn’t just a philosophical idea; it’s a practical strategy that helps organizations build a strong, profitable brand for the long term. This perspective encourages a broader view of media than businesses typically adopt. It suggests that every touchpoint an organization has with the world—internal and external audiences alike—is media. The office wall, the elevator, the customer support line, the delivery person, the packaging, the SMS saying “Your order has been received,” the error page on the website, the long queue, and, of course, the product and packaging—all of these are media through which a brand’s story can be told.
For organizations, adopting the “Everything is Media” philosophy requires a revolutionary mindset. Technically, it allows brands to discover untapped opportunities everywhere, promoting the brand without—or in addition to—purchasing traditional media. But fully embracing this idea means putting the brand story front and center, using everything the company does, everything it owns, and everything within its environment as a tool for storytelling—so much so that it becomes difficult to tell if the company is using the brand story to promote the product, or if the story is “using” the product to convey its messages.
So, how can brands put this approach into action?
First, refine the brand story. Think deeply about what it means to your target audience, how it resonates with them, and how it fits into their lives.
Next, list out every possible touchpoint with your target audiences—both internal (like employees) and external. Where does your brand interact with its environment? Try to make an extensive list of all interaction points, including those you may not have previously considered as media.
Finally, get creative about possible intersections between the brand story and its significance to your audience at each of these touchpoints. You have the chance to reach your audience through countless interfaces, situations, and decision points. Use this media wisely.